Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin 2008!

With the wonderful news today, I am beyond expression at how excited I am, finally, over the 2008 election. Not excited, but willing to support John McCain over Obama for a number of issues, I finally can vote in confidence and excitement for Sarah Palin, also known by her constituents as Saint Sarah, with an approval rating (poll depending) between 65 and 85%.

Saint Sarah, the Average Jane from Alaska knows what it’s like to deal with regular family issues that occur within small town America- something that Obama is more than showing his snobbery by suggesting “small town mayor” isn’t good enough for VP (what’s the population of Delaware?). But we’ll get to that in a minute. Sarah is a down to earth Washington outsider. She truly is change from the establishment, unlike her opponent for VP, Joe Biden. Joe is bought. Sarah threw out special interest. She also threw out crony Republicans up there, beating the pants out of the Democrat candidate, yet open enough and non-partisan enough to work with anyone honest enough, from any political party. She has shown this, this isn’t something she’s merely promising. With her approval rating sky high (unlike the Democratic congress), she doesn’t have to talk too much to convince America she means what she says and says what she means. This is change a person could believe in. Compare her record to Obama’s in Chicago. Crime is up, drugs and sex among teens remain too high, teen pregnancy is a rampant problem, organized crime flourishes, and some of the elected officials there get good deals on houses by convicted felons.

A person can research Sarah simply by typing her name into a search engine. Therefore, I won’t totally go on about her, people should do their own research to make up their minds about what they read. Having said that and this being my opinion that you’re reading, I want to compare this ticket to the liberal ticket with the issues that are important to me, and demonstrate why the liberals simply haven’t got a chance…

Economy: Joe the Liberal and Obama the Great have no plan but to raise taxes on the rich (because they owe their fair share, even though the wealthy already pay the most taxes), to give handouts to the poor and unwilling so they don’t have to work to better themselves. Sarah turned down the bridge to nowhere, knows better than most about what energy exploration would do for our economy- what it’s done for Alaska’s. John is notorious for busting the balls of politicians who earmark bills in the senate and has never taken one of his own. Ever.

Foreign Policy: On almost everything, Joe Biden has been wrong. He has spent more time than Obama- by far- but he hasn’t been right more than he hasn’t been wrong…a lot more. However the presidential candidate has no foreign policy experience. On the other hand the vice presidential candidate has none, however being a conservative, and a son being deployed to Iraq, I’d say she has more invested than Obama. So two Presidential candidates, one with a lot and one with no experience, and to VP’s, one with none and one who’s almost always been wrong. Hard pick, guys.

Family Values: The McCain family is well known for their kids, their adopted kids, John’s sons in the military, Cindy’s charities for children and all the hard volunteer work she does for children in third world countries. Sarah, the hockey mom of five, one with Down syndrome grew up in small town America with parents working in an elementary school, learning to hunt with her dad. Joe Biden, to his credit has a child in the military, but votes for abortion every chance he can, and Obama voted three times against bills to protect late term aborted babies that survived from being left to die. That is fact- look it up.

The War: This is a no brainer. Obama was against it before he could vote, but Joe was against and voted against the surge that worked (again, wrong on foreign policy). Obama lied in his “I Am A Dream” speech about McCain being lackadaisical regarding more troops- Obama was against more troops and if it wouldn’t have been for McCain pushing the Administration for more troops- well documented in various CSPAN clips- it might not have happened. Sarah, with her son getting ready for deployment is for a victorious situation, not bowing to terrorists who want to kill Americans.

Domestic Issues: Obama and Biden promise to make college affordable, omitting the fact that liberals run these collages and is the reason they are so expensive (Speaking of which…most Democrats are lawyers, litigators who get nothing accomplished), but think they’ll tax the rich and give credit to poor people to go. Obama wants bigger government and more oversight in new programs to aid socialism. Sarah and John…well, that’s easy. They’re the conservative ticket- they don’t want big government. They enable people to live their own lives and make better lives for themselves. If Charlie Rengal didn’t earmark $2 Million for a statue of himself, how many kids could have gone to college for free? McCain never asked for one (and neither did Sarah.)

Oh, and Sarah really is an environmentalist. She doesn’t have millions invested in Big Wind while blasting Big Oil (Nancy Pelosi!). She isn’t for making money off global warming, while really recognizing ways people can be good stewards of their environment. She doesn’t charter private jets everywhere.

McCain and Biden’s records are well established, McCain being known as a “maverick” and Biden being known as a well oiled insider, having been in the senate a little longer than McCain. The unknowns are Obama for president and Sarah as VP. The liberal blogs like to question her experience, as if Obama has some. Obama has served 145 days in the senate (about six months) and is known as the most liberal senator. But Sarah started her public service and prepping her resume for executive experience long before Obama was known. And what of Chicago? What is so safe and great that he accomplished? New York City is safer than Chicago!

Obama talks. Sarah has done. He wants to be president, though. Liberals say this is awful as she’s a heartbeat away from the oval office, yet they want to put this person who we know very little about- what we do know isn’t good- and has virtually no experience in that office. What sense does that make?

Furthermore, these people elected Hillary to the senate with zero experience- being someone’s wife doesn’t count (and Sarah put herself there with no connections to any politicians), and she served a handful of years- very little relative experience, but they thought she had enough to be president. But Sarah with executive experience isn’t qualified to be vice?

Lastly, lets talk about the importance of her being a woman. Being one myself it could be assumed I would be for this, but I am no feminist. I couldn’t believe Bush nominated Harriet Myers, but I love Condi. So, really, it’s all about the woman. It depends on who she is. There are good ones and bad ones, and certainly this is historic. However, when Geraldine Ferraro was the Dem. VP candidate, women around the country voted for what they thought was best…not necessarily the woman. So this isn’t a given among women. However, look at this woman. She is down to earth, a real person who hunts, fishes, is business oriented, a member of the union, she has children with sports schedules and school projects, she has a special needs child. She is real. She’s not spent her life in politics, and has proven that she can bring change and reform to her people. She is grounded. Although her political record is small, it is clear and easy to judge.

In contrast, Obama’s is sketchy at best- when he does vote, and Joe’s is so long, but suffice it to say extremely liberal and neither are known to be bipartisan (quite in fact the opposite), but with John and Sarah, both are well known for working for the solution and not the party politics.

However, the pros outweigh the cons. Imagine had John chosen Romney, who I thought he would pick. That man has baggage. We would have lost. Same with Pawlenty- who I like- comes with baggage as well, and some of these aren’t good. Lieberman would have been awful not only with his very liberal record, but with his dis to the Democratic Party, they would have a field day picking apart the ticket.

The bottom line is Sarah has proven that she is a real person who will get the job done. She has been vetted. She has made real decisions that affect people’s daily lives, not bowing to anyone’s special interest but that of her people. She is a servant. She isn’t better than us- angels will not descend from heaven singing praises for an anointed one. Obama has proven that he will say whatever it takes to get people to hope for an idea. She has concrete examples of doing things and demonstrating what she will accomplish. Obama talks a lot and has a record of voting “present” in the senate, rather than simply being held accountable for a yes or no vote.

Sarah’s the right pick for conservatives, for women, for minorities, for the middle class, for the lower and upper class, for families, for the economy, for taxes, for government reform. The Obama-Biden ticket simply does not possess any record for being good in any of these important issues. The Obama Biden ticket contains a lot of hope for ideas of “change”. But Sarah already made changes. Big changes.

I can’t wait to get my bumper sticker!

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