Monday, July 2, 2007

The Day America Won, June 28th, 2007

Dear America,

Congratulations in your current victory against Congress for trying to give our country away last week. Kudos to you vigilant patriots who stood up united for the greater good of the country. I have told many people that Americans won’t agree on several issues like gay marriage, abortion, gun control, etc. But try to give away our very homes and lives and you will see a united uprising only rivaled in history books!

I had been listening to CSPAN for weeks, waiting to hear any drop of news on this bill. I hesitated to even write about it for this column because I’ve written about it so much. But this is a huge issue that deals with our very sovereignty as a nation and the leader of the free world. I listened live as the phone lines in the Capitol Building were shut down by Americans calling in to voice opposition to the Amnesty. I listened as the spokesperson told us that the voicemail system was down because of the flood of calls. I laughed out loud.

I watched the emails to senators on fill up my screen; emails from people who passionately oppose giving away the country. I did see one or two stragglers, and all they had to say was that people were mean who didn’t want to give away citizenship to lawbreakers. I guess that makes America mean, because from several sources, but mainly the MSM has indicated 75-80% of Americans vigorously opposed that bill.

The President blamed the senators for not working together. He was very disappointed that bill didn’t pass, “it didn’t work”. Our president who bribed us with 4.4 billion dollars, tried to sell us out. Right along with Chappaquiddick Kennedy.

America had another plan in mind, and that was to scream from the rooftops, “NOT TODAY!!!”. This is OUR home, OUR country. We are a country made of laws. We are a country of the People, by the People and for the People. We elect people to hold governing offices so that they may accurately represent their majority constituents. I think, although I could be wrong, these elected officials may have read the wrong job description; they think they’re running our country! They forgot whose paying their salaries. They forgot who their bosses are. They don’t answer to no one, they answer to us.

I listened live as the man said “Motion not agreed to”, as the cloture vote failed and the bill was pulled from the floor. Being at work at the time, I couldn’t scream loudly enough to convey what I was feeling, but did go outside for a smoke and dance a small jig when no one was looking. :-) I got several phone calls and emails almost the minute it happened from folks I know around the country, asking me if I heard. Of course I heard! I celebrated! This came right in time for Independence Day. I truly think that people are ready to claim their independence from this corrupt government.

People are waking up, America. Whichever political party you belong to, we united on June 28th, 2007. Conservatives, liberals and independents; men, women; young and old; black, white and brown; natural born citizens and immigrant citizens, etc. stood up for their homeland. We stood up for our laws, we stood up for our freedom. We stood high on the moral horse and declared that enough was enough.

I have had conversations with people who think that this will blow over and people may forget, but I beg to differ. People will not forget. Dubai almost took over our ports. But they didn’t. Mexico almost had a “Come in for FREE” card given to them. But they didn’t. And as I said, we all may disagree about abortions, but one thing is clear, and I pray any politician that wants to be reelected hears the message: THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY. WE WANT NO AMNESTY FOR THOSE THAT BREAK THE LAW. WE DO NOT WISH TO SUPPORT AND BLEED DOLLARS FOR THESE PEOPLE.

It just won’t happen.

But please remain vigilant! These Teddy Kennedy wannabes are trying to attach portions of this amnesty bill to other bills, just like they do with earmarks. They will try to pass this bit by bit, with no real bill of its own. They are currently trying to legalize at the least, 1 million illegal aliens to do hard work at low wages. (SLAVERY!!!)

At any rate, I am proud to have been one person among many united Americans of all walks of life to stand up for our homeland. I am proud to be an American and am proud of the citizens in this country for doing the right thing. This is our home, no one will take care of it for us. It becomes more clear everyday that not even our elected officials have any real interest in taking care of it, either. But elections are coming soon and maybe it’s time for America to CLEAN HOUSE.

I want to personally thank all those that made phone calls, sent emails and faxes, wrote letters, etc. to help fight the good fight. Please don’t stop there- there are many ways to keep this going, all at the touch of your fingertips. My next wave of letters have been to the president and several of the amnesty senators asking them for the 4.4 billion promised to fund the fence, I have asked for them to explain why the current laws are un-enforceable. I have also asked them to consider decriminalizing non-violent offenders who are incarcerated, since like illegal aliens, they are only guilty of “paper crimes” (Of course I'm being sarcastic, but it is a great comparison). I will be joining the Send-A-Brick campaign to push for the enforcement of our border. Please write your officials and President HERE. You can also read letters that other patriots have written to them.

Thank you again, America, you’re beautiful! God Bless you all! I’m so proud to be American, and proud to stand with each and every other American where it means keeping my country safe, secure and OURS.

Have a beautiful, safe, happy, and joyous Independence Day! Happy Birthday America!


Jenny Bea


The ever waiting avenger said...

Go Jenny! Tell it like it is! This country will never be giving to those who take advantage of it. If they want in, they had better do it the right way. And on that note, I believe that those born here to illegal parents, shouldn't get second class citizenship; I say if their parents aren't legal than neither are they! Send them back!

The ever waiting avenger said...

Go Jenny! Tell it like it is! This country will never be giving to those who take advantage of it. If they want in, they had better do it the right way. And on that note, I believe that those born here to illegal parents, shouldn't get second class citizenship; I say if their parents aren't legal than neither are they! Send them back!